Public Comment Guidelines

The Mooresville Graded School District Board of Education is committed to allowing members of the community an opportunity to appear before the Board to offer suggestions, comments and concerns.  All presentations before the Board shall be subject to the following procedures:

  1. The public comment period will be at the beginning of the regular monthly board meeting.  The comment period shall be a maximum of 30 minutes.
  2. Individuals who wish to speak during the public comment portion of the monthly board meeting must register on the roster provided in the board room prior to the call to order.  A sign-up sheet will be available 30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.  Speakers must indicate their contact information and topic.  No one will be allowed to have his/her name placed on the list by telephone request to district staff.
  3. Speakers will not be permitted to speak on topics involving confidential student or personnel information.  Further, speakers shall not discuss any of the following matters:  candidacy of any person seeking public office; the sale or lease of fixed assets; matters which are closed-session matters, including but not limited to matters within the attorney-client privilege, anticipated or pending litigation, personnel, property acquisition, matters which are made confidential by law; matters which are the subject of public hearings.
  4. Each speaker will have a time limit of 3 minutes to make remarks.  Each person signed up to speak will only be entitled to the time allotted them.  The time limit shall be enforced by the school board attorney who will act as time keeper.  No speaker may use more than 3-minute speakers slot per meeting.
  5. Speakers will be acknowledged by the chairman in the order of registration and individuals not present will forfeit their opportunity to speak.
  6. Speakers will address the board from the podium at the front of the room and must begin their remarks by stating their name and address.
  7. All comments will be addressed to the board as a whole and not individual members.  The comment period is not intended to require the board to answer any impromptu questions.
  8. Speakers will be courteous in their language and presentation.  Any applause will be held until the end of the public comment period.
  9. If the allotted time runs out before all speakers are allowed to address the board, those remaining will be carried over to the next meeting.
  10. Speakers who have prepared remarks or supporting documents are encouraged to leave a copy of such remarks and documents with the board secretary.