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Parents' Bill of Rights


The North Carolina General Assembly recently passed Senate Bill 49—Parents Bill of Rights. This act was voted on to enumerate the rights of parents to direct the upbringing, education, healthcare, and mental health of minor children.

As information and guidance about the Parents’ Bill of Rights is made available from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, we will post it on this page.

The North Carolina General Assembly recently passed Senate Bill 49—Parents Bill of Rights. This act was voted on to enumerate the rights of parents to direct the upbringing, education, healthcare, and mental health of minor children.

As more information and guidance about the Parents’ Bill of Rights is made available from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, we will post it on this page.

Notice of Parental Rights

The Mooresville Graded School District Board of Education values parental involvement. North Carolina General Statute §115C-76.25 provides a list of parental rights. While pre-existing board policy addresses many of these rights, future changes in board policy to address these rights will be added to this notice. Citations to existing Board policies on the same subject matter are included below.

  • Notice of Parental Rights:

    Parents have the right to withhold consent for their children to participate in all or part of a reproductive health and safety program or other program about sexually transmitted diseases or avoiding out-of-wedlock pregnancy.  If you wish for your child to opt-out from participating in all or part of any such program, contact your child’s principal and identify the portion(s) of the program for which you are withdrawing consent. More information can be found in MGSD Policy Code 3540.

  • Notice of Parental Rights:

    A parent’s right to request an exemption to a required immunization is governed by G.S. 130A-156 (for medical exemptions) and G.S. 130A-157 (religious exemption). Information about state immunization requirements for all North Carolina public school students may be found on the DHHS website, as well as information about medical and religious exemptions.

    Only medical and religious exemptions will be provided. There is no right to opt out of school immunizations required by state law based on non-religious personal or philosophical beliefs.  Parents seeking a medical exemption from immunization requirements should have a physician licensed to practice in North Carolina complete the required Medical Exemption Form for submission to the State Health Director.  Parents seeking a religious exemption should provide a written statement to the school principal, including the name and date of birth of the student(s), the specific immunization(s) for which an exemption is requested, and any other relevant information.

    More information can be found in MGSD Policy Code 4110.

  • Notice of Parental Rights:

    This information is accessible by visiting the North Carolina School Report Cards website, as well as MGSD Board Policy Code  1310/4002.

  • Notice of Parental Rights:

    The Mooresville Graded School District offers various levels of advanced instruction to meet the individual academic needs of our students.  Teachers differentiate instruction beginning in our elementary classrooms and continue through high school. For more information see MGSD Board Policy Code 1310/4002 and 3520.

    To learn more about the Mooresville Graded School District's Academically and Intellectually Gifted program, see our AIG Flyer  or visit our AIG webpage.

  • Notice of Parental Rights:

    For information on how to request and inspect MGSD textbooks and supplementary instructional materials, please visit this link:  Instructional Materials Review and Purchase Process.

    To read the District's policy on this subject, please visit MGSD Board Policy Code 3210.

  • Notice of Parental Rights:

    Information about the Board’s promotion and retention procedures is available in MGSD Board Policy Code 3420.  Information about the Board’s graduation requirements is available in MGSD Board Policy Code 3460.

  • Notice of Parental Rights:

    The Mooresville Graded School District shares progress of students through a variety of ways, including quarterly report cards, progress reports, and assignment/test feedback.  Feedback on conduct is also included.  For more information, visit MGSD Board Policy Code 4300.

  • Notice of Parental Rights:

    The State Board of Education and Department of Public Instruction have posted extensive information relating to the State public education system on their websites, including but not limited to policies and information related to State standards, report card requirements, attendance requirements, and textbook requirements. 

    Information on the Standard Course of Study that all public school districts must follow is available on NCDPI’s website under the Academic Standards.

    The general statutes governing elementary and secondary education in North Carolina may be accessed on the North Carolina Legislature website under General Statute Chapter 115C.  

    In addition to these resources on the statewide public education system, parents may access extensive information about the Mooresville Graded School District on this website.  In particular, the following information may be of interest:

  • Notice of Parental Rights:

    Parent-teacher organizations are independent organizations that work with schools but are not under the direct management or supervision of the school district. Contact your principal for information about parent organizations affiliated with your school. More information can be found in MGSD Board Policy Code 5010.  

    Parent-teacher organizations are also referenced in the parent and family involvement policy, MGSD Board Policy Code 1310/4002.

  • Notice of Parental Rights:

    See Right #11 below.

  • Notice of Parental Rights:

    Students under age 18 who have not been legally emancipated may not be given any survey that asks about “protected information” unless their parents have first provided written or electronic consent. 

    A “protected information” survey is one that asks about one or more of the following: 

    • political affiliations or beliefs of the student or the student’s parent
    • mental or psychological problems of the student or the student’s family;
    • sex behavior or attitudes;
    • illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior;
    • critical appraisals of other individuals with whom respondents have close family relationships;
    • legally recognized privileged or analogous relationships, such as those of lawyers, physicians, and ministers;
    • religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or student’s parent; or
    • income (other than that required by law to determine eligibility for participation in a program or for receiving financial assistance under such program).

    At least ten days before the administration of a protected topic survey, parents and eligible students (students who are 18 years of age or older or who are emancipated minors) will be provided the opportunity to review both electronically and in person the process for providing consent to participate in the protected topic survey and the full text of the protected topic survey. 

    Additionally, students in kindergarten through grade three may not be given any “student well-being questionnaire” or “health screening form” without prior parental consent.  Schools must notify parents in advance before any such questionnaire or form is shared with students in these grades, along with an explanation of how the parent may give or withhold consent.

    More information is available in MGSD Board Policy Code 4720.

  • Notice of Parental Rights:

    A parent may review the list of materials their child has borrowed from their school library by contacting their child's school. For other questions about your child’s school library, contact your child’s principal.

Parents' Guide to Student Achievement